Introduction to the Brocock Commander XR

The Brocock Commander is a tactical design rifle. It is intended to appeal to hunters although the large 480cc carbon air bottle and Huma-Air regulated action means it will also serve well on the range and informal target shooting. The standard Commander XR model is available in 12 ft. lbs. in .177 and .22 calibres. High powered versions comprise 18 ft. lbs. (.177), 30 ft. lbs. (.22) and 46 ft. lbs. (.25). In addition, the Commander XR Magnum, which has a longer 23 inch barrel, is available in even higher specification of 46 ft. lbs. (.22) and 55 ft. lbs. (.25). The Commander XR and XR Magnum is available with either a black or sand polymer ambidextrous stock.

About Brocock

Today Brocock is part of the Diana Group, which owns Italian gun maker Marocchi & Breda. Founded in 1989, Brocock was originally located in Birmingham’s old gun quarter. Following its acquisition in 1989, it moved to purpose built premises in Staffordshire, England alongside sister companies Daystate and MTC Optics.

Brocock Commander XR for sale 

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This review was written in 2020 but since 2023 we have started stocking and selling this rifle. This does not change our review of this gun and not one word has changed since. We aim to give our honest, impartial view on each review we do.

If we’re not stocking the rifle at this point in time, feel free to let us know you’re interested via our Contact page or and we’ll do our best to secure you this rifle as quick as possible on the next batch that is being manufactured.

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PCP Air Rifles

Brocock Commander XR


Our full review of the Brocock Commander XR

The Commander XR is an evolution of an earlier bolt action model and features a slick side lever cocking system. Whereas the bolt on older models could be a little harsh, the side lever, which is a feature on all XR models, is silky smooth. The line up was also revised in 2020 to accommodate a new design magazine that requires a magnetised flap to be opened to access the pellet chambers. Capacity was increased from 10 shots in the original magazine to 13 in .177, 11 in .22 and 10 in .25. It should be noted that, consistent with other Brocock rifles, the magazine sits proud of the breech. As a result, the scope rail is split either side of the magazine port and comprises a dovetail rail with an additional removable raised picatinny rail.

The Commander XR can be purchased either with a telescopic or folding stock. Whilst the set up is extremely solid, there is a very small amount of play which does not impact performance. Thanks to its tactical design, the Commander is a light rifle, weighing just 2.9 kgs, and compact at a maximum length of 838mm (1117mm in Magnum format). The polymer stock is available in each black or sand colour.

Consistent with many other Brocock rifles, the pistol grip can be swapped for an AR style aftermarket alternative. The two-stage trigger is adjustable for both weight and stage travel. Forward of it, in the trigger guard, is a resettable switch type safety catch – push from the left to make the rifle safe, and to the right to make the rifle live. Located on the right side, just forward of the sidelever, is a power dial which works by adjusting the transfer port. The adjustments on the 12 ft. lbs. rifle are modest, but on high power models will enable changes in roughly 20 per cent increments. Like all Brocock rifles, the Commander XR is fitted with a Huma-Air regulator as standard.

The regulator pressure is fixed on 12 ft. lbs. rifles but adjustable on high-power models – a task best left to gunsmiths. A gauge on the right side in front of the power adjuster indicates the regulator pressure and a second gauge measures fill pressure in the 480cc carbon bottle, which is filled to 250 bar via a quick fill valve on the underside of the stock accessed by pulling off a magnetised cap. Thanks to its regulated action, Brocock quotes a shot count on 12 ft. lbs. models of 380 in .177 and 420 in .22. The high powered Commander XR has a shot count of 140 (18 ft. lbs./.177), 120 (30 ft. lbs./.22) and 60 (46 ft. lbs./.25). The higher power Commander XR Magnum delivers 50 shots in .22 (46 ft. lbs.) and 45 in .25 (55 ft. lbs.). The Commander XR has a 17-inch barrel (23 inches on the Commander XR Magnum) which is shrouded and baffled.

The rifle comes with a perforated muzzle break, the purpose of which is mainly aesthetic. A ½ inch UNF thread allows an external silencer to be fitted as well.

Brocock Commander XR Specifications


Specifications Command XR 12 ft. lbs. Commander XR high power Commander XR Magnum
177 22 177 22 25 22 25
Max length mm 838 838 838 838 838 1117 1117
Weight kgs 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 3 3
Barrel mm 431 431 431 431 431 596 596
Magazine capacity 13 11 13 11 10 11 10
Power output ft. lbs. 12 12 18 30 46 46 55
Fill pressure 250 250 250 250 250 250 250
Shot count 380 420 140 120 60 50 45
Trigger Two stage adjustable Two stage adjustable Two stage adjustable Two stage adjustable Two stage adjustable Two stage adjustable Two stage adjustable
Safety Manual resettable Manual resettable Manual resettable Manual resettable Manual resettable Manual resettable Manual resettable
Regulated Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Scope attachment Dove tail and picatinny Dove tail and picatinny Dove tail and picatinny Dove tail and picatinny Dove tail and picatinny Dove tail and picatinny Dove tail and picatinny

The Brocock Range

The Brocock range comprises two air bottle models – the Sniper XR/Safari XR and Commander XR, and two air cylinder rifles – the Concept XR and Compatto XR. Although there are high powered versions of all the rifles, the ‘Magnum’ editions of the Sniper XR and Commander XR are higher powered still. Brocock helped define the semil bullpup design and championed the use of highly durable polymer stocks. More recently it has embraced the trend for more tactical designs and introduced a wooden stock rifle – the Safari XR. Brocock rifles have earned a reputation as tough, resilient hunting rifles. That said, refinements including the side lever cocking system and Huma-Air regulated action make it as sophisticated and feature rich as many other high end ranges.

Alternatives to the Brocock Concept XR

There is no shortage of tactical style air rifles to choose from, particularly in the mid-price range. However, rifles that are comparable to the Commander XR in terms of market position, price and features include:

  • FX Dreamline Tactical
  • AirMaks Arms Katran
  • Air Arms S510 TDR

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